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The Sage's Gems of Wisdom

But Trump hopes you don't realize that.

And that you’ll be enticed by Sanders’, Bloomberg’s, or Biden’s seductive BS pitches. And that you’ll end up nominating one of them. Yes,...

Yes, some do.

They do it to poor souls who don’t have insurance. Yet for identical bills or services, where people do have coverage, these same...

Yes, indirectly, they can.

That’s because they encourage people to drink beers at places from where they’ll likely drive home afterwards. Yes, celebrate with...

Yes, see Mars first hand?

Glimpse the barren spot where Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon, July 20, 1969? Would you like to know about the recent “SpaceX's...

Sure looks that way, the Sage says.

He has yet to see a report from a news entity adequately expressing concerns about these quite serious problems about Bernie’s candidacy....

To get nominated, you need to GO FOR JUGULARS.

This means not holding back truths about opponents. Considering what’s at stake here, you can’t be “friendly,” cordial and do what’s...


NO, you shouldn't. Click here to find out why not.

Especially, for Ladies

Instead, use your husbands’ names as aliases for non-legal, social matters.


Their present one is incorrect. So, they need to set the record straight with a new one. Yes, one that assures America that Democrats...

Should We Go Paperless - Part I

... to "go paperless," is almost always a BAD DEAL for us consumers. CLICK here to find out why.

Should We Go Paperless - Part II

Sage found Insurance Companies use paperless scam extensively. Serious consequences can result. How they con us.

Message for Bernie

You're defrauding poor people by taking millions from them despite that your heart condition and age say you CAN’T win & serve.

Yes, It's About Time!

After about 225 years of men serving as presidents . . . America needs what it's never had: a woman at the helm . . . CLICK to read more

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© 2017 - 2020 People Skills Magic by Frank F. Loomis III, J.D.©
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